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  • Writer's pictureMekong Strategic Partners

Scale: Measuring What Matters

Mekong Strategic Capital presents our annual review of Cambodia's bank sector and finds bigger was better.

Highlights for 2022 include:

  • Despite more challenging global conditions, Cambodia’s finance sector delivered a reasonable performance in 2022 with strong balance sheet growth offset by higher expenses and credit costs.

  • System liquidity tightened in 2022, driving up funding costs, which will continue into 2023. Fortunately the system remains very well capitalised.

  • Banks with bigger distribution networks are winning, driven by rapid emergence of the mass-market segment in the past decade, made up of growing middle-income and Small & Medium Enterprises.

  • Banks that traditionally focused on low-yield MNCs and HNW customers and did not expand to service mass market have lost out to those that did.

> Download the report:

Cambodian Financial Sector Report - August 2023
Download PDF • 4.28MB

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